
Creating middleware

Creating middleware means defining the lifecycles and subsequent hooks in those lifecycles to run code in. Lifecycles are actions such as a function run or sending events, and individual hooks within those are where we run code, usually with a before and after step.

A Middleware is created using the InngestMiddleware class.

new InngestMiddleware(options): InngestMiddleware

// Create a new middleware
const myMiddleware = new InngestMiddleware({
  name: "My Middleware",
  init: () => {
      return {};

// Register it on the client
const inngest = new Inngest({
  id: "my-app",
  middleware: [myMiddleware],


As you can see above, we start with the init function, which is called when the client is initialized.

import { InngestMiddleware } from "inngest";

new InngestMiddleware({
  name: "Example Middleware",
  init() {
    // This runs when the client is initialized
    // Use this to set up anything your middleware needs
    return {};

Function registration, lifecycles, and hooks can all be with synchronous or async functions. This makes it easy for our initialization handler to do some async work, like setting up a database connection.

new InngestMiddleware({
name: "Example Middleware",
async init() {
    const db = await connectToDatabase();

    return {};

All lifecycle and hook functions can be synchronous or async functions - the SDK will always wait until a middleware's function has resolved before continuing to the next one.

As it's possible for an application to use multiple Inngest clients, it's recommended to always initialize dependencies within the initializer function/method, instead of in the global scope.

Specifying lifecycles and hooks

Notice we're returning an empty object {}. From here, we can instead return the lifecycles we want to use for this client. See the Middleware - Lifecycle - Hook reference for a full list of available hooks.

new InngestMiddleware({
name: "Example Middleware",
async init() {
    // 1. Use init to set up dependencies
    // 2. Use return values to group hooks by lifecycle: - "onFunctionRun" "onSendEvent"
    return {
    onFunctionRun({ ctx, fn, steps }) {
        // 3. Use the lifecycle function to pass dependencies into hooks
        // 4. Return any hooks that you want to define for this action
        return {
        // 5. Define the hook that runs at a specific stage for this lifecycle.
        beforeExecution() {
            // 6. Define your hook

Here we use the beforeExecution() hook within the onFunctionRun() lifecycle.

The use of closures here means that our onFunctionRun() lifecycle can access anything from the middleware's initialization, like our db connection.

onFunctionRun() here is also called for every function execution, meaning you can run code specific to this execution without maintaining any global state. We can even conditionally register hooks based on incoming arguments. For example, here we only register a hook for a specific event trigger:

new InngestMiddleware({
name: "Example Middleware",
async init() {
    return {
    onFunctionRun({ ctx, fn, steps }) {
        // Register a hook only if this event is the trigger
        if (ctx.event.name === "app/user.created") {
        return {
            beforeExecution() {
            console.log("Function executing with user created event");

        // Register no hooks if the trigger was not `app/user.created`
        return {};

Learn more about hooks with:

  • Lifecycle - middleware ordering and see all available hooks
  • TypeScript - how to affect input and output types and values

Adding configuration

It's common for middleware to require additional customization or options from developers. For this, we recommend creating a function that takes in some options and returns the middleware.


import { InngestMiddleware } from "inngest";

export const createMyMiddleware = (logEventOutput: string) => {
return new InngestMiddleware({
    name: "My Middleware",
    init() {
    return {
        onFunctionRun({ ctx, fn, steps }) {
        if (ctx.event.name === logEventOutput) {
            return {
            transformOutput({ result, step }) {
                `${logEventOutput} output: ${JSON.stringify(result)}`

        return {};
import { createMyMiddleware } from "./middleware/myMiddleware";

export const inngest = new Inngest({
id: "my-client",
middleware: [createMyMiddleware("app/user.created")],

Make sure to let TypeScript infer the output of the function instead of strictly typing it; this helps Inngest understand changes to input and output of arguments. See Middleware - TypeScript for more information.

Next steps

Check out our pre-built middleware and examples: